The Emotion Code technique was developed by Dr Bradley Nelson, a Chiropractor who wished his clients no longer need see him after a few treatments. By studying Kinesiology he found that through releasing emotions in muscles with magnets, healthy function was restored keeping the skeletal system in alignment.

Often trigger points, injuries and areas that are chronically tight or do not respond easily to massage and other treatments are places where the brain has sent negative emotions to be stored during a difficult experience. The nervous system can hold onto emotions in muscle memory for many years or they can be created from recent events. The Emotion Code is a gentle, effective way to clear negative emotions, producing a noticeable release in muscle and fascia fibres, promoting circulation and a lightness in spirit and mind.

It can be fascinating to uncover which emotions you were storing in your body, what age and events created them, not only to heal but to make healthier future decisions with greater awareness of the impact of emotions on our health and well-being.

Tania’s bodywork isn’t only therapeutic and deeply relaxing, she clears me on an emotional level which allows me to break through any blocks I’m currently facing.
— Kylie Phipps, Ashtanga Yogi

The Emotion Code is painless, quick and simple and an excellent technique to experience during massage. Great for areas that take time to release with manual stretching. Once emotions are gone you are free to have a clean slate with relationships and new experiences.